New Years Resolutions
I've never been much for New Years resolutions, but as we've been stuck in the house since before Christmas with snuffly, snotty, coughing children, I don't have much else to write about right now. It'll be fun to see how quickly I break each one.
I will not eat my children's leftovers.
I will not listen to children's music while alone in the car.
I will not start every conversation with "Did I tell you what (insert C or A here) did today?"
I will at least skim the headlines of the New York Times on a regular basis.
I will read at least one book a month that does not feature pictures and small woodland animals who talk.
I will not serve takeout more than once a week.
I will limit my diet soda intake to no more than two a day.
I will be better about emailing pictures to the relatives.
I will teach A to sleep through the night in her own bed.
I will teach C to sleep through the night in his own bed.
I will not lose my wallet.
I will keep my cell phone charged.
I will hang up my coat before M comes home in an attempt to keep the family peace.
I will not use the dining room table as a storage device for all things without homes.
I will not harbor ill will towards the little old ladies who comment on my parenting abilities in the grocery store.
I will not go to the grocery store with two children in tow except in the most dire of circumstances.
And last, but not least...
I will try to get a shower in at least every other day. Even if it means bringing my kids in with me.