Thursday, December 01, 2005


M is away for a few days, and when I was talking to him tonight I started ragging on him for not reading my blog to keep up with the kids. After a few minutes it came out that he had skimmed an entry once, but it made him feel bad as he felt like I was criticizing his parents and/or that they were making me feel inadequate. Which was not at all the point of the post. I was more trying to work out how to foster his parents' relationship with their grandkids so everyone got more pleasure out of their visits. I guess I failed miserably.

M, while I don't think that I have ever put anything into here that I haven't said to you in person, somehow reading it instead of hearing it with the facial expressions and the many, many hand gestures I generally use must have made it seem different. For that I apologize in front of the whole internet as it was not my intention to write anything that would make you feel bad.