Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Just call him motor mouth

Yesterday I got to take C to swimming lessons without A in tow as M was home because of the transit strike in NYC. So instead of chasing A around the parent "lounge" (really, it's a hallway) and trying to keep her somewhat entertained, I was able to actually sit and watch C swim. After about five minutes it became abundantly clear why we are repeating the introductory "learn how to get into the pool without crying class" for the THIRD time. You see, instead of focusing on swimming like the other children, C is using the time to make friends. He chatted up the lifeguard when he arrived, made the rounds to all of the different teachers, and then checked out the older kids' cool goggles before heading to the lane in which his class was occurring.

He obligingly put on his white bubble but then saw a friend in the next lane and started conversing with him about the temperature of the pool today. As he began his doggie paddle down the pool, he stopped to visit with the lifeguard again, checked in with the teacher, and encouraged the little girl trailing behind him to "keep it up!" He was perfectly happy and charming and polite to everyone, but focused on swimming he was not.

At the end of the lesson I had to go in and collect him as he was still chatting with the lifeguard. As I walked by one of the instructors, he stopped me and said, "C is the sweetest kid. But man, can he talk." To which I had to agree. It had just never occurred to me that his penchant for conversation would spill over to athletic endeavors. It is clear that I need to rethink C's extracurricular activities. Do you think three is too young to start the debate team?