Saturday, November 10, 2007


So are we the only dorks who watch every single movie or TV show with IMDB running on the laptop? Seriously. It is rare that we don't query IMDB at least three seven times an evening. Clearly, neither of us were good at Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon.*

We saw two movies today, one in the theater (The Bee Movie) and one on DVD (Knocked Up). During The Bee Movie, M kept leaning over to me and asking "Who is that?" And I kept saying "I have no idea. We'll have to IMBD it when we get home." Then tonight, we just took turns manning the laptop while guessing how old everyone was and what previous roles they had played.

How did we live without IMDB? And do you think it would be totally rude to bring the laptop with the wireless card into our next real live movie???

*And don't listen to Wikipedia on this one, I was playing Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon in college, well before 1994. So either we invented it and we should be suing someone for royalties, or Wikipedia is dead wrong. Shocker, I know