Oh the irony
Yesterday we headed to the library post-nap to replace my library card that had been sacrificed to the grocery store distraction Gods a few weeks ago. C and I also introduced ourselves to the children's librarian who was FABULOUS and pointed out both some new chapter books and some old favorites. I followed her on a whirlwind tour of the children's department exclaiming "OH YES! The Great Brain! Judy Blume! Ohhhh. Mr Popper's Penguins???"
After selecting All About Sam for C and the perennial favorite Baby Faces for A, we headed to the grownup section for a quick game of "judge a book by its cover and run." The kids each picked books for me as well. C actually made a good selection, Julie and Julia, which is already on my nightstand. A, however, proudly handed me The Baby Sleep Book. Oh, the irony. If only she could read it herself...