Saturday, December 11, 2004

God's Gift to the Weary

At 8:38 this morning God's gift to the weary arrived on my doorstep, the Stop and Shop Peapod delivery man. I ordered my groceries for the week online yesterday, and for the very very cheap sum of $5.95, they were deposited in my kitchen by a man I very nearly kissed.

The grocery store ranks up there with laundry on my list of things I hate most. It used to be the perfect outing when C could be contained in the cart. Now that he can unclip himself, climb out and take off, it is my worst nightmare. People who used to coo happily at us as we cruised the aisles chatting happily now part like the Red Sea or run when they see us coming. I screach, he cries, and we often go home empty handed.

I haven't quite figured out how Peapod makes money and have a niggling suspicion that they probably charge more for the same item, but quite honestly, I could care less right now. My food was delivered packaged by category, I didn't have to fight with my children in public, and we will be able to eat for a week. Life is good.