Thursday, November 22, 2007

Gobble Gobble

This is the first Thanksgiving since M and I were married that I'm not cooking. It is really rather odd. Refreshing, actually. I think I could perhaps get used to going elsewhere for Thanksgiving. It is also the first Thanksgiving since C was born that one of the kids isn't running a fever. But, I suppose the day is still young, and one of them could pull through for me yet. We've already had the requisite fall that may or may not require stitches to the chin.

And just to leave a smile on your face as you head off to do whatever it is that you do on Turkey Day, my entire outfit is being held together with binder clips. Because I couldn't find safety pins and apparently my boobs don't quite fill out the wrap top I grabbed from the back of my closet the way that they used to. Hopefully the kids won't start tugging on my shirt too hard, or else everyone will be in for quite a surprise around the dinner table...

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!