Saturday, November 11, 2006

The pace is killing me

I thought this post a day thing would be cake. I mean, I generally post once a day. But the days I don't post? I have realized that it is because I have absolutely nothing to say. I mean nothing. I could talk about how putting A and C to bed is getting to be a royal pain in the you know what with the "one more song/book/drink of water/kiss/hug" nonsense, and that if I really want them in bed by seven, we have to start at six. Five-thirty even. Or I could wax on about how I over-committed myself in the making of holiday gifts department and I am going to be burning the midnight oil between now and December 25th. Or about how it has taken me half-an-hour just to write this small paragraph because I have been up and downstairs 40 billion times over the "one more song/book/drink of water/kiss/hug" nonsense.

So as I am being called yet again to open a door and shut a shade, I will put us all out of our misery and conclude today's post. Tomorrow is another day. One that will involve a trip to a new grocery store in town. Oh, the excitement. And actually, I really am rather excited. I have been told it is "just like Whole Foods, except 2o minutes closer." And that my friends, is no small thing.