Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Don't believe everything you hear

At preschool drop off today, C went running into his classroom full of news. "I'm getting a new baby sister!" he exclaimed. Before I could open my mouth, the teachers offered up congratulations, the moms ohhhed and ahhhed over how I didn't LOOK 20 weeks. Finally I was able to stutter out an "Um, no. My SISTER in the Really Big State with Cowboy Hats had a baby girl last night. Not me. Done. Very, very done."

But, by the time I made it across the street to the gym, the news had spread far and wide. I am going to be spending days explaining that really, my tummy is just in need of some sit ups. Sigh.

Welcome to the world Baby C2, even if I am very glad that you are not mine. Your mommy is much better at this parenting thing than I am, trust me. You are much, much better off.