Saturday, November 05, 2005

I should have been a librarian

As I'm not one to resist cool things having to do with books, I finally headed over to LibraryThing and became instantly addicted. I have been carrying my laptop around randomly cataloging piles and shelves. I'll probably regret the randomness when I got to fill in the blanks, but it is just so much fun. A and C got into the game too, bringing me their favorites to add. It was a fun filled afternoon for all, except maybe M who is humoring me but really can't quite get why it is so engrossing. He did perk up after I decided to include his right-wing propaganda despite my annoyance that they are taking up prime bookshelf space.

I might even have to take a road trip to my parents with the laptop and unearth the boxes upon boxes of books stored in their attic. Although I have a feeling that if I remind them that I still have books there, the books will be coming home with me...